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Knitting machines require a variety of tools to help with different tasks and ensure smooth operation. Here are some essential tools for knitting machines:
Transfer Tools: These are used to move stitches from one needle to another, which is essential for creating patterns and shaping garments.
Latch Hooks: These tools help in picking up dropped stitches and are crucial for fixing mistakes.
Needle Pushers: These are used to push needles into different positions, which is necessary for various knitting techniques.
Claw Weights: These weights help to keep the fabric taut and ensure even knitting.
Yarn Winder and Swift: These tools are used to wind yarn into center pull cakes from hanks, allowing no tension for the machine.
Row Counter: This helps keep track of the number of rows knitted, which is especially useful for complex patterns.
Replacement Needles: Having spare needles on hand is important in case any break or bend during knitting.
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