Yarn Swift

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Light Yarn Swift

Metal and Plastic Yarn Swift made in China.

Made of plastic and metal and will hold skeins up to one pound and sixty inches in circumference.

There is one more thing I want to say about this inexpensive swift. I tend to keep going back to it here in the store. I teach my customers how to wind their own hanks of yarn. This frees me up to help others, and from the sounds of chatter, I think they enjoy it. This swift spins freely without any drag. This creates a looser ball of yarn. It is important that our balls of yarn are not tight, therefore stretching our yarn. In fact, I recommend that you do not wind your hanks of yarn into balls until you are ready to immediately start knitting from that ball.

While it is true that this swift will not last under heavy use, and while it was broke by a new user, I tend to always have one available. Even if it means purchasing a new one for store use every few years.