DesignaKnit 9 Hand Knit

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DesignaKnit 9 Hand Knit : Computer Aided Software Design for PC/Windows computers.

DesignaKnit, often referred to simply as DAK is a computer program for creating garments and designs for machine and hand knitting. It is the #1 program used in the world for designing.

Software for knitting designers to draft shapes, customize styles, select over 200 stitches and print patterns .  See the garment, fine tune the style, before you knit it.   A complete design and charting system for the hand knitter, including an extensive collection of stitch cables. Select from 200 new hand knitting stitch symbols with abbreviations and knitting instructions. Use as they are or alter to suit your needs.

UPGRADES AVAILABLE TO REGISTERED OWNERS: Here is the DAK9 Upgrade Pdf to send in to upgrade DAK 7 or 8 to DAK 9. BE SURE to include both the CD and the CASE.

DesignaKnit is also available for Machine Knitters

Knitting Machine Standard: The basics for machine knitters with a set of standard garment shapes and great stitch pattern design features. Full support for colour changers.  Select from a range of standard garments, apply standard size tables or your own measurements, and adjust the styling features. Make original shapes by modifying standard garments or starting from a square block. 

Knitting Machine Professional: (the most popular).  More features for the domestic machine knitter - the features of Machine Standard plus the freedom of Original Pattern Drafting. All of Standard Garment Styling, plus select from over 1000 built-in stitch patterns or make your own using a font of knitting symbols and a range of knitting oriented drawing tools. Integrate with garment pieces to see the finished effect. Receive row by row instructions while knitting, with a range of alerts for shaping, color changes, and stitch symbols and interactive Knitting.  Garment shaping, stitch design, original pattern drafting, graphic studio, and interactive knitting.

Graphics Studio converts any image (photo, scanned punch card, pattern diagram) to a stitch pattern. Set the number of colors per row and control how image colors convert to yarn colors. Automatic birds-eye provides extra shades.
Choose printouts from charts showing yarn colors, stitch symbols, textures, with or without garment shaping, text instructions for hand knitters, templates for knitting machine punch cards & reader sheets, shaping outlines with notation, yarn calculations, and more.

Complete is the Professional Version with Hand Knitting module.  Everything in one program for the hand & machine knitter or designer who wants it all. The industry choice.

 What has changed?   Download this 25 page pdf to see all the new changes!

Sorry, no Mac version available.
Sorry, no returns or exchanges on software. 

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP or later (32-bit or 64-bit operating system). Mac owners can install Windows under Parallels and run DesignaKnit in that way.
  • Screen size at least 800 x 600 pixels for the DesignaKnit program and at least 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) for on-line video tutorials.
  • 600 Mbytes free hard drive space.