Yarn Swift

Yarn Swift

Turn hanks of yarn into a ball or cake using a Yarn Swift and Ball Winder.

A yarn swift is a handy tool for knitters and crocheters, designed to hold a hank of yarn and allow it to be wound into a ball without tangling. Here’s how it works:

  1. Set Up the Swift: Place the yarn swift on a stable surface and secure it. If it’s an umbrella swift, open it up like an umbrella and tighten it to hold the yarn taut.

  2. Prepare the Yarn: Untwist the hank of yarn and drape it around the swift. Make sure the yarn is evenly distributed around the swift. Tighten up the swift, but not too tight so the yarn will be wound loosely onto the ball winder.

  3. Cut the Ties: Carefully cut any ties holding the hank together, being cautious not to cut the yarn itself.

  4. Find the Yarn End: Locate the end of the yarn and pull a few rounds off to make sure you are getting an untangled end. Attach it to a yarn ball winder or SLOWLY start winding it by hand.

  5. Start Winding: As you wind the yarn, the swift will spin, allowing the yarn to unwind smoothly and without tangling. We recommend you not run the yarn through your fingers.  This only adds extra tension and possibly making a tight ball, thus stretching the yarn.  Stretched yarn can mess with your gauge.

Using a yarn swift makes the process of winding yarn much faster and more efficient, ensuring you have neatly wound balls of yarn ready for your projects.

Please check out our ball winders here!

  • Light Duty Yarn Swift
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